Can I stack multiple discount codes on a single order?
No, you cannot stack multiple discount codes on a single order. Our website only allows the use of one discount code per order.
Why can't I use more than one discount code at a time?
To ensure fair pricing and to manage our promotions effectively, we have implemented a policy that limits the use of discount codes to one per order. This policy helps us maintain a consistent pricing strategy and allows us to offer the best possible deals to all our customers.
How do I choose which discount code to use?
When you have multiple discount codes, choose the one that offers the best savings for your order. Simply enter the chosen code at checkout in the designated discount code box, and the discount will be applied to your order total.
What if I forget to apply my discount code before completing my order?
If you forget to apply your discount code before completing your order, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. While we cannot guarantee that the discount can be applied after the order is placed, we will do our best to assist you.
Can I use a discount code on sale items?
The use of discount codes on sale items depends on the terms and conditions of the specific promotion. Please check the details of the discount code to see if it can be applied to sale items.
If you have any other questions about discount codes, feel free to reach out to our customer service team for further assistance.